This alarming trend now requires MACA and its Legislative Committee to
prepare for a larger role in the legislative process within the states
we represent. We know anti-business legislation is our largest and most
pressing threat, and although for many years MACA was very fortunate to have
handled these threats 'in-house,' without a professional lobbyist, we more recently retained the services of a contract lobbyist whose single role is not to collect debt for clients, but to mitigate potentially harmful legislation.
In order to meet current and future legislative and regulatory challenges, MACA instituted a special fee as part of our dues structure. Like unit dues, the fee is based on company size.
We appreciate your past support, and hope you continue to recognize the
very important work of your elected board of directors.
When asked to do
so, rally with us to participate in grassroots initiatives such as
letter writing campaigns, or telephone-call campaigns. We'll give you
the tools so that collectively, we all contribute to the success of our
respective businesses.